Friday, October 14, 2011

They are Growing Up!

It has been almost 3 years since these two sweet little girls came into our lives.  
They are growing up so fast!  They are talking in full sentences, telling me when they are hungry or thirsty using words.  

They are even Potty Training!  We really started our potty training 2 weeks ago tomorrow, and now they are running and going on their own without the timer.  I use pull ups for naps and bedtime as I don't trust them yet, and they are not staying dry during the night yet.
Also I will probably use pull ups for when we are going to be out and about until I fell that they really have the handle of it as we are still having at least one accident from one of them a day.  Sometimes the accidents are not their fault as they close the door to their room and then can't get out as they have a hard time opening doors in this house.

I am going to take them out on a family outing this evening.  I think I will see if we can do it without the 
pull-ups and  see how well they do.

I think I am going to have to break down and get them their reward that I promised them if they keep it up. They want Dora Dolls!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Slice of Life # 71 Festive Fall

I love fall, I enjoy Halloween.  We don't decorate or do much for it, I do enjoy going to my sister's house.  Her husband decorates all out.  Maybe when we own a home we will do this too.

Dan and I were married Oct 29th so I tend to really enjoy fall and decorating in the fall colors, even though you wouldn't know it right now, but one day when I have a home of my own and can start decorating I am hoping that it will reflect this taste of mine! :)

For Thanksgiving growing up I remember all of my Dad's side of the family would gather together at a scout camp, we could snow show, cross country ski or just play in the snow and come in and play games and such.  Now that we are all married and have in-laws to spend time with too, we just have scaled back to just one party for everyone that we call a Winter party.  For my family who ever of my sisters and I can come and spend it with my parents do. 

One thing we do each year is each of us brings a dessert.  This carry's over from the big family get-together's from years ago.  I am not much of a pie person, but I do make a pie once in awhile.  Last year I took an Oreo pudding pie.  

This year I am going to make a dessert from my kids Favorite book right now.  We got this at a thrift store from Grandma Nova for an early birthday gift.

My kids have really enjoyed this book.  I am going to check with my library for others in the Albert series.

In this book is a recipe for Pumpkin Pizza Pie.  My kids have asked me to make it so I have decided to make it for Thanksgiving.

Have fun and Enjoy your Fall Everyone!

Here is the Pumpkin Pizza Pie recipe if you want to try it out:

Albert's Pumpkin Pizza Pie
(Makes 3  12-inch Pizzas)


3 Pounds sweet Pie Dough (recipe below)
3 cups Mashed Pumpkin or 1  29-ounce Can Pumpkin
3 Eggs
1 Cup Sugar or Honey
1 Tsp Pupkin Pie Spice
1/3 Cup Wipping Cream
Pinch of Salt
1 Cup of Whipping Cream Whipped with 1-2 TBSP Sugar and 1 SP. Vanilla  (or use 1 can of Whipped Cream)

1/4 Cup of Each for Each Pie:
Chocolate Chips or Butterscotch Chips or Mint chips or White Chocolate Chips
Candied Nuts
Mini Marshmallows


Divide Dough Into Three Pieces and on Was Paper roll each into a 12-inch round about 1/8 inch thick.  Put on a baking sheet or Pizza Pan.  Next, In a bowl Mix Pumpkin, eggs Sugar, Spice, Cream and Salt until well blended.  spread 1 cup on each pizza dough, leaving about 1/2 inch from the edge.  Bake in 350 degree preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes.  When it comes out of the oven and cools slightly decorate with whipped cream, chocolate chips, candied nuts, raisins and marshmallows.

Albert's Pumpkin Pizza Pie Dough
(Makes 3 Pizzas)


3 Cups all-Purpose Flour
1 Pound Butter or Margarine
2/3 Cup Sugar
3 Whole Eggs or 6 Yolks

Cream the butter or margarine with the sugar in a mixing bowl, blending well.  Then add the eggs and slowly mix the flour and salt a little at a time.  Mix until a smooth dough is formed.  Chill for a couple or hours or overnight.  This dough can be made in a food processor.  (It also freezes well, but divide in three pieces before freezing.)

*Pumpkin Pizza Pie was created especially for Albert's Thanksgiving by California Chef Wendy Brodie.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Well it has been a while since I just updated on what our family has been up too!

The end of Aug Dillon started kindergarten.  He is in afternoon and gets to ride the bus!  He is such a big helper and is really getting good at writing his name!

Jennilyn is missing her brother while he is at school, but her and Mommy have been doing pre-school together at home.  She is really smart at math!  Jennilyn also turned 4 in Aug, and again is being a great helper with things here at home!

Ruth & Irene~
The Twins are being potty trained.  The 1st day was a disaster, but since then we have been having some success.  (Who knows, maybe we will have them diaper free before their Birthday!)  They are using more words and are getting so big.  I keep thinking that my babies are all growing up!

Dan is keeping busy with work and studying to take the Security + exam that he was suppose to take this week but it got canceled and he has signed up to take it in Jan.  He has also started to study to take some Microsoft certifications that he is hoping to start taking exams for those at the begging of next year.  We finally got Dan a smartphone so now we both have cell phones which is really nice!

The sad news is that I lost my camera a few weeks ago and I am feeling lost.  I keep wanting to take a picture and can't.  My phone and I-pod just don't cut it!

I am hopping maybe we can find a really good deal with Black Friday or Cyber Monday on the camera that I want or at least one that will get me buy until I can save up enough for the one I want!

I hope all is well with all of you!


Monday, October 03, 2011

Slice of Life # 70 ~ Ugly Duckling

When I read this title I thought of this story!

If you have not read it check it out of the library!  My kids and I have loved this book.  It even came with a cd to hear the story being told.

I have always felt like the uglified ducky because of my hearing disability.  Even now I sometimes feel like I am the uglified ducky.

But I know who I am and slowly I am learning how to be the Moose that I am and not the Ducky!