Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We turned 6 months old!

This picture was taken when they were 3 months old so it dosen't do them justice, but I will put up more pictures soon.
Ruth & Irene turned 6 months old on the 20th of July! Yesterday we took them in for their 6 month check up and shoots. Ruth weighted in at 13 lbs 12 oz and 25 1/4 inches long. Irene come in at 14 lbs 6 oz and 26 1/4 inch's long! Dr. Olson came in and saw them playing on the table and playing with themselves in the mirror, it was quite cute watching them crawl all over the table with us standing right there to monitor them. They are doing the army crawl just great and can get all over the apartment that way, they are working on getting up on their hands and knees and moving which they showed the Dr that they could do that. Dr. Olson gave them a clean bill of health and told us they are growing well, he is happy with their growth in the last six months.

Now we just have Jennilyn's appointment for her 2 year checkup and shots on Aug 27.

We are going to the lake this weekend and looking to have some fun with the Burke Family and celebrate Jennilyn's birthday early as Dan is headed out of town on Sunday for the month of August and will miss her birthday, oh well at least he has a job.

Friday, July 24, 2009

It has been awhile!

Well I haven't posted since I fell and broke my arm while I was in Utah visiting. My Mom came back to Washington with me and stayed until July 14th when they took off my hard cast and put me in a removable brace. It was good to have her here and I want to thank her, and a big thanks to my dad and all of my sisters for parting with her for the 6 weeks that she was with me. I still don't have 100% use of my arm, but I am getting stronger by the day. The only thing I haven't managed to do yet is give the twins baths, my mother-in-law has helped me with that as Dan has been out of town since June 30th. He comes home tomorrow and we are excited even though he will only be here for a few days and then he is gone again for another month. The Dr did say that we will be doing physical therapy in two weeks to get the full use of my arm.

The kids are all doing well, Dillon is trying to say more words, and wants to pick up his sisters all the time. Jennilyn is a chatter box and talks more then Dillon, she is my big girl and I get a laugh every time I tell her something and she says "OK" and then does it. Or she will get her shoes and say "found them". Ruth and Irene turned 6 months old this week, I can't believe it, they are crawling all over the place and try to get a hold of paper and eat it. Tonight they even attacked my dinner and wanted to eat it while I was eating, I had them in my lap at different times.

This last week Irene attacked my ice cream sandwich and was eating the ice cream and Jennilyn feed Ruth some of her PB&J sandwich that she gummed to death before I caught it.
This is Ruth and Irene today playing while their sibling took their naps.

This is 3 of the kids playing together, at one point I had all 4 playing together but I didn't get a picture of it.