Sunday, March 06, 2011

Slice of Life # 42 ~ First Aid

These are pictures of my first experience taking one of my children into urgent care for stitches.  Ruth is still the only one of my children that has had to have stitches.  At least now if we can't tell the twins apart, we just look for the scar.

I know more times will probably happen, but so far we haven't had a lot of first aid problems yet!

This is written for Slice of Life feel free to join us!


Pirate Princess said...

LOL - that's one way to tell twins apart! Adam is the youngest to have stitches - age 4 he got 2 stitches on his lip. Ouch!

dartax said...

The part I remember most, Ruth was more upset when we made her hold still to clean it--as in she wanted to keep go, go, going. While mom and dad were in a panic in over finding all this blood, she wanted to play, play, play.

FranE said...

Trips to the ER...What ever happened to butterfly band aids? ; )