Sunday, June 05, 2011

Slice of Life #55~Naughty, Naughty, Naughty

I know I have been naughty at times in my life, but there is only one big naughty that I remember that I really got in trouble for with my mother.

I was 13 years old and went to a Beehive II(church youth group) group sleepover party at one of our leaders house.  While we were having a good time, we heard something outside.  We had discovered that our leaders house had been "Dotted" (paper dots taped to the house).  We figured out one of the girls who did it was from the Beehive I class (age 12).  So everyone else wanted to get back at her and they decided to toilet paper her house in exchange for the toilet paper we had to babysit for two hours free for our leader, so I went along...we went and toilet papered this girls house and the Bishop's house.  Her father was still up and saw us do it and laughed since he knew what his daughter had done. 

The next morning we went and helped both families clean up the mess and invited them to breakfast with us.

My mom was so mad when she found out what we had done that my leader never did have me come and babysit to repay back the toilet paper.  And as a result none of the other youth groups were allowed to have a group sleepover.

Not my proudest moment, but it taught me a lot at the time, and I have never done anything like that again.

So there is my Slice of Life Naughty Story.  Hope you enjoy it!


Pirate Princess said...

Oh - that's so sad no one else could have a sleepover. That's just wrong in my book - folks shouldn't have to pay the price for another's wrong doing. :(

It's a great story though! ;)

Elizabeth said...

I agree with Tex.

Shari said...

Naughty girl. Doesn't seem so bad to me.