Sunday, May 29, 2011

Slice of Life # 53~ Helping Hands

It has taken me all week to think about what I wanted to write.  And my mind is still really blank as to what to say.

When I think of Helping Hands, I think of giving service, and this can be in any form.  There are ways of service that Dan and I have talked about but we have yet to do them... maybe this year.  But I have helped take meals to those in my neighborhood who were ill, just had a baby or such.  I have helped with cleaning projects, I have babysat for people so they could get things done, and have told them don't pay me, it is my way to help.  I have also gave a dear friend a place to stay for a month when she had to move out of her apartment and had no were else to go.  And I have bought bus tokens for friends in need.

Sometimes we don't think of ourselves giving service when we are just reaching out and being a friend.

Let us remember to reach outside of ourselves and give to others as Christ would give to us.


Pirate Princess said...

I think that's awesome! Great ways of doing service - we never know what kind of ripples those small acts of service will create! :)

Elizabeth said...

Yes, service is part of being a friend, isn't it?

Thanks for linking to me on your side bar!
