Sunday, February 06, 2011

Slice of life # 38 ~ Sports

Sports, what sports, other than following BYU football, I don't watch or cheer a team on.  Maybe that will change if Dillon ever gets involved.  Of course Dan isn't into sports much either.  We do enjoy going to a game once in awhile, but we don't follow any on TV or radio, other than looking up the scores online. 

I just told Dan the Packers won the Super Bowl, and he told me he didn't care. :) 

The last time we went to a game was the summer of 2005 when my work gave us tickets for a Buzz baseball game.  I was pregnant with Dillon at the time.  We sat with some of my friends from work and when the game was going on Dillon was kicking and being so active it was quite funny.  We moved away the next month, and we haven't made it to a game since.   Maybe this next summer.

1 comment:

Pirate Princess said...

So fun to hear that other people aren't sports fans either. I wonder what makes a person a sports fan anyway?