Saturday, August 21, 2010

Meet Brian & Sarah

I want you to meet Brian & Sarah.

Sarah and I meet her first Sunday at church when she had just moved to Phoenix, AZ in Oct 1997.  I was asked to give her a ride home from church by the Bishop, and was glad to do so.  She lived in an apartment complex across the street from mine.  She had non-LDS roommates and had trouble with some of them so she would come hang out at my place.  In Feb 1999 Brian moved into the ward.  Sarah and I become roommates in 1998.  Brian and Sarah started dating in 1999 while I was on my mission and got married in Feb 2000.  They were blessed to be able to have their son Nathan who is now 9.  But, they have been unable to have more children.  They would like to have more kids, and their son Nathan keeps asking when he is going to get a sibling.  

If you know someone who is considering adoption, could you please, as delicately as possible lead them to these wonderful people.

To learn more about them please go to  And look for Brian and Sarah.

Or you can go to Here to read their Facebook Group page.

We love you guys and our prayers are with you!

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