Sunday, January 31, 2010


Ok, I know I usually use this blog to keep you all updated on my family, but tonight, I think I will use it to help put my mind at ease and hopefully I can go to sleep.

Toady about 3:30pm my neighbor on the north side of my apartment came and asked me if I was the mother of twins.  I said yes, and she said that the kids kept ponding on the wall and she had ponded back trying to get them to stop as she was trying to sleep.  Now realize that because of my hearing disability I don't hear everything going on in their room.  I have heard a little pounding in the past but I just thought someone was hanging something up.

This neighbor told me that she has complained to the apartment manager about the kids pounding on the wall and the apartment manager told her I had little kids running around.  I kind of get the feeling that the manager feels that since it isn't after the 10pm noise curfew that kids will be kids.  The neighbor was very rude and left before I could say anything back to her.

So I went back and checked on the twins who I feel haven't been sleeping very well today and they were both wide awake, so Dan and I moved their cribs around in their room, which I don't like the new set up since the perfect place for their beds is along the wall that shares's with this neighbor.  Now remember this is the only bedroom wall that shares with a neighbor as we are on an end unit.  Now I have a crib on the opposite wall and one in front of the window, which I can just see Ruth breaking the blinds.  The other set up was a lot better for the use of space, but hopefully with the change she doesn't complain about the kids banging on the wall.  All afternoon and evening I have been trying to figure out what they could have been banging to make the noise and I realized tonight that they have been hitting the wall with their bottles after they were done with it as they try to slide the bottles down the back of the crib to make it hard for mom to get their bottles.

These apartments are actually  very insulted as I don't hear my neighbors very often.  I think we are seriously going to think about trying to buy a house with in the next year as the kids are getting older and need to be able to go outside and play more then I have the ability to let them do right now.

On a brighter note, I was fixing dinner yesterday and Ruth walked from the couch in the living room all the way into the kitchen.  That was the furthest she has ever walked.  She will be walking everywhere soon I can tell.  Irene still likes to walk on her knees or crawl, but I don't think she will be far behind her sister.

Well thanks for listening to me rant!  Now maybe my mind will settle down and go to sleep.
until next time.


Chalice said...

That's extremely frustrating! What a sour puss!

Pirate Princess said...

You're a very sweet person!

I would have told her to get over it or move her bed - my attitude would have been right with the apt. manager's - the AFTERNOON isn't after hours, and kids shouldn't be made to feel like prisoners in the own home just because of a cranky neighbor. If she works at night, she can buy ear plugs or something. I wouldn't let the kids tear up the blinds that I'd have to pay for just to accommodate one stinky attitude in the whole complex.

I know that's not very helpful - but I would have told her to wait a moment while I retrieved a fresh packet of Russell's earplugs and given them to her as a gift! Who knows - maybe she hasn't thought of that solution!!! :-O

I'm sure though that you're doing what's right for yourself and the twins - some people don't handle the conflict well, and with all that said, I'm not in the situation and it IS true that being kind gets you further than being contentious, so more power to ya! Giving you three cheers for handling it so well - hope you had a nice sleep. :)

Nettypg said...

Thanks Guys!

Tara H. said...

I am sorry! No one wants to hear that their kids are bothering other people, even it it's in the middle of the day, or at least before curfew and even if they are darling little one year olds who don't know any better.
Whatever happened to nice communication and being neighborly. If she had a problem, she could have nicely come over and talked to you about it, and helped come up with a solution that is good for everyone. Maybe you could leave the beds against that wall, just move them away from the wall about a foot. It's not ideal, but at least the beds would still be in a better spot, but they couldn't bang the wall either. Also, it might help to take the cranky lady some cookies or homemade bread, kindness usually wins out in these situations.
Good luck!