Monday, October 26, 2009

First Day On The Bus!

Today was Dillon's first day to ride the bus to school.  The twins were down for a nap so Jennilyn and I walked Dillon out to meet the bus with two other little boys in our complex.  Jennilyn went to climb on the bus with Dillon and was so mad that I wouldn't let her go, she screamed and screamed, as the bus drove away she was screaming "Dillon, Dillon, Dillon"  It took her a little while to calm down and when she did she said " I stop crying Mommy!"  She is a sweetheart!  When Dillon came home, I had the girls already loaded in the van to go to an appointment and Dillon didn't want to get off the bus, and he screamed about it most of the way to the appointment.  When we got there he was asleep and of course I had to wake him up.  I know that as he gets use to riding the bus that he will get better at getting off without any problem, I know it has happend with other things that as he sees that he will be doing it on a regular basis that he stops throughing the fits.  But all is well so far here in Utah!

Until next time!

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