Sunday, June 18, 2006

Before driving back down from the wedding, we stayed overnight and then went to church on Sunday with Jennifer. We did leave church a little early. We were one tired lot. Granted, I think Dillon was just going down for his usual nap here. Talk about a case of "rug face." This dad had to have a picture or two because he just looked so cute. My wife snapped the picture, and a few others. I like this one the best.

I know Dillon's had used to sleep on the floor quite a bit. His Grandpa Burke still takes sound naps on the floor. We've seen that too.

My wife tells me that he normally isn't left to sleep on the floor. But, I don't think Dillon was going to wait for a bed or drive in the car to sleep that Sunday. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Novelty said...

He's so cute.