Thursday, February 14, 2013


Can I just say that this move to our first home has been a blessing for us!  I use to struggle with Dillon to do homework, now  he wants to do his homework right when he gets home.

It is also nice to get to know my neighbors a little and we have started to carpool the kids to school in the morning.  Dillon has even been walking home from school with them (that is starting to save me on my trips back and forth to the school).

Dan has even noticed that the change has been good for him too.  We are enjoying teaching our class at church and this Sunday we get to talk in church too.

I hope you all have a great Valentines Day!


1 comment:

Aine said...

Awww! That is such good news! I'm so happy for your family! And to not have to fight to get homework done is a HUGE blessing! Whoot - whoot! :)