Monday, February 25, 2013

Difficult Times

Life has hit us with a hard one right now.  We were excited and had started to tell people that we were pregnant again, when I started having some sharp pains.  I think I scared Jennilyn when she saw me having one of the pains shooting through my chest and couldn't breath.

Dan called a neighbor and they got one of their daughters who teaches the twins in primary over to watch kids  and Dan took me to the ER.  We had thought of going out of town for the weekend since Dan's niece Afton was getting baptized, but Dan really felt like we shouldn't go.  I was hard to convincing  that we should not go, but I am glad that he listened to the spirit after everything that went wrong on Saturday.

We got to the hospital and they got me right back since I was complaining of chest pain they did an ekg just to make sure I was not having a heart attack.

I had woken up on Saturday with a little cramping, but drinking water helped with that, but I stayed in bed and read a book.  Dan brought me breakfast in bed and later a granola bar.  Just as Jennilyn brought me some silverware to eat lunch with, I started having shooting pain that went right to my heart and I was having a hard time breathing.  I told Jennilyn to go get Dan.  Dan came up and I had another shooting pain.  I told him who he could call to come and stay with the kids.  I got my socks and shoes on and with the babysitter got here, we left for the hospital.

I told the Dr. that the first thing that went through my mind when I started to having these pains was the pains I had when I had a tubal ruppter in 2006 and lost my right tube.  My symptoms were not the same as then.

They had me have a chest x-ray and sent me back for a ultrasound.

They took lots of pictures and even got a baby heart beat, but the baby was not were it should be.  They told me they were going to do an ultrasound of my legs to make sure I did not have blood clots, but then when they came back in to do that they said no we are taking you back to the ER.  When we got back there, they told me that  my left tube had ruptured and that they were sending me into surgery.

When they got in there they found damage to my left ovary as well.  They took out the ovary, and left tube, but also found that my bladder  had grown up over my right ovary with scar tissue.  So they brought in a general surgeon to make sure all was well there, they took off a cyst that I knew was on the right ovary and sent it to be tested.  The cyst has been there since before I got pregnant with Dillon, but non of my dr's had wanted to do anything about it.  They took out my appendix too as it was about to burst.

The Dr told me that the type of cyst that I had was probably the reason that I had so many tubal pregnancies  and that it was a miracle that I have had the kids that I have had since it has been there from the beginning.

I stayed in the hospital overnight and came home on Sunday afternoon.

My mom and dad are here to help out and for that I am grateful for.  I am glad their schedule is such that is allowing them to be here for me.

As for now the only way I will be able to have any more children is to do invetrofertiliztion as I still have my uterus and one ovary.  My  other option is to adopt.

So for now our family is done growing, we will see were the Lord takes us as we have felt like there were more to come to our family, but maybe in a different way.

I feel the Lord is watching out for me and my family.  I am grateful that my husband listened to the spirit and not to what his wife wanted.

Thanks for all your prayers and love and support.


Thursday, February 14, 2013


Can I just say that this move to our first home has been a blessing for us!  I use to struggle with Dillon to do homework, now  he wants to do his homework right when he gets home.

It is also nice to get to know my neighbors a little and we have started to carpool the kids to school in the morning.  Dillon has even been walking home from school with them (that is starting to save me on my trips back and forth to the school).

Dan has even noticed that the change has been good for him too.  We are enjoying teaching our class at church and this Sunday we get to talk in church too.

I hope you all have a great Valentines Day!
