Monday, November 29, 2010

Slice of Life # 28 ~ Ice, Ice, Baby

This group of pictures is from Dec2008/Jan 2009. Spokane got hit with a lot of snow! And it was icy! I was very preganat and was about ready to deliver my twins when this storm came. The roads were shut down for days. I even went out to get something from my car and slipped on the ice, luckly it didn't send me into labor. My mom chewed me out for going out instead of waiting for someone else to go out to get it for me. :) This snow stuck around until March which is unusuall for Spokane.

So far this year is looking like we will have the cold snow and ice stick around early.  Not looking forward to walking on ice every day when I step outside my front door as the sun doesn't shine on it for very long so it stays ice all day.

This is written for Slice of Life.  Please feel free to join us and share with us your stories.
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Cindy Price said...

It looks so beautiful, too bad it is so hard to get around in!! Thank you for sharing!

Elizabeth said...

Those pictures are so beautiful! I love the way ice and snow look... post card perfect! Though they are not the best weather to go out in.


Pirate Princess said...

That last pic on the spruce (or is it a pine?) is GORGEOUS! Love it! And yeah.... ice isn't so fun to live in. Glad you didn't go into labor, or your mom REALLY would have had a fit!