Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Well it is bedtime and I am unwinding after a day with the kids. I am getting tired being by myself a lot with the little ones 24/7. It will be nice to join Dan in Salt Lake City in 2 weeks and have him home at nights and on the weekends to help with the kids. I feel that the Lord has blessed us at this time with this job that brings him home and not traveling so much. I have been struggling with getting Jennilyn and Dillon to go to sleep for awhile now, I had watched a clip of "The Nanny" recently and I decided the other night to try the technique that they suggested in helping the kids go to bed without to much trouble. This is the third night in a row and it has been working. It is nice to have them either going to sleep or at least staying in their beds by 930pm, it just takes a little more effort from me then I had been wanting to give before, but now in 10 min of sitting by their bed singing to them they are out.

Today I took Dillon and Jennilyn in for their first dentist appointment. They did really well and found out they have no cavities! Well it is getting late and I need to go to bed as the twins will have me up early.

Until next time.

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