Thursday, April 23, 2009

It Is Found!

We found the prized blanket. We came home to Grandma Alcorns tonight after spending time at the park waiting for my cousin Hannah to finish her baseball pratice and we gave Dillon and Jennilyn a bath in Grandma's big tub in her bathroom. After I got Jennilyn dressed, while I was picking up the dirty cloths, I saw her go into their walkin closet, and come out with her blanket. Ha!!! We had looked for that thing for 24 hrs, even looking in that closet. She knew were she had put it. At least tonight she went to bed with out crying since she had her prized blanket that Aunt Heidi & Tiff had sent when she was born. It has been my only pink blanket that I had with her. I am so glad we found it.

Here Jennilyn is with her blanket on Wednesday pulling it in the wagon.

Dillon having fun outside at Grandma Alcorns!

Little Ruth is such a scooter, she moved off the mat, turned herself and was moving back. Irene does the same thing.

Irene rolled from her stomach to her back today at 3 months and 3 days old. This was taken just after she did it.

The twins are also teething so life has been busy.

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