Friday, November 07, 2008



Well we had another ultrasound yesturday. Everything is still looking good.

We had another 3-d picture done, but baby "b" wouldn't wasn't in the right position to get "a" picture so here is baby a's picture.

People have been asking if we have names picked out. Yes we do

Ruth Lois and Irene Marlyn. These are family names and we thought it would be great to honor our grandmother's and mother's in this way. Ruth is acutally my Grandma Dillon's middle name, but since we didn't want to do double naming (My sister shares the same first name as my grandmother) as has happened alot on Dan's side, even I share the same first name as one of his sisters and we are the same age. Lois is after my Grandma Alcorn, Irene is the first name of both of Dan's Grandmother's and Marlyn is my mom's name. We liked how the names sounded together even though people have told us they are so old fashion.

Well that is it for today.


1 comment:

Tara H. said...

Family names are great. We used family names for all of our kids as well. Keep us posted.