Sunday, October 06, 2013

All in a Days work

This weekend Dan dug a hole.

All the kids helped at some point (sorry no pictures of Dillon helping)

This is what he put up. A hand rail.  It still needs some paint.  I like the post covers.  They are solar power little lights.

Technically we don't need a hand rail for the number of stairs that we have, but we have noticed some people were having issues going up without some help. so we decided to match some of our neighbors and put in a hand rail.  I am loving it!


My sisters and I live in many different places, Toole, UT; Orem, UT;  Bremerton, WA; Sandy, UT and Booneville, MS.  My parents spend most of the year in Mount Pleasant, UT which is 3 hrs from my house.  But for this winter they will be in Draper, UT which is a little closer to me then Mount Pleasant.

So when we can all get together it is a big deal.  Even those of us that live in Utah don't get a chance to see each other as much as we would like to. 

My two sisters and their families (minus one husband who had to work and couldn't come) that live outside of Utah came to Utah we all got together for a day.  We had everyone but two of my brother in laws.  One of course couldn't make it with his family the other was tied up with study groups as he has gone back to school.  Maybe next year we can get everyone together. :)

Here is a collage of all the pictures I had.  I was sad that one came in pretty blurry, but at least we got it.

I got to say I am grateful for my family and that we can all spend time together.  Each of my sisters from out of Sate and their families each had a night at my house and that was fun!

Until Next time!