Here's a picture of Dillon with a toy apple from his father's youth. I was given this toy as part of my inheritance from my mom. This particular apple survived a fire when I was but a little boy. A fire that I started by plugging in the lamp for my parents' movie camera. The lamp got real hot and started the bed it was lying upon on fire.... but, that's not a story of Dillon's youth. That is the story of the toy apple. It is a little warped in the back, the only visible damage. The toy still wobbles upright and rings like it should.
Having been through all my brothers and sisters, and two cousins before him, the apple is now Dillon's to play with. At four months old, Dillon is starting to take a greater interest in the world around him. He did seem to enjoy pushing the apple around when this picture was taken.
Yesterday, he was thrilled to get a walk outside in the rain. I used a front carrier to free up some hands for the umbrella.... It was a good walk.
What I find interesting is his interest in mom and dad's food. While he doesn't seem to like baby cereal, he does frequently make grabs after any food that mom is eating and stares at either of us when we are eating. Yesterday, Netty let him "gum" her sandwich in between her bites. He got upset when she would take the sandwich away from him to take her next bite. And last night, he stared at us as we ate spaghetti. He even pulled Netty's plate closer to himself. She pulled it back away and we told him that this is a food that doesn't quite work with "gumming." I don't think he understood us. Then again, he is only four months old.
We do love Dillon. We just have to wonder what we are going to do for introducing him to solid foods over the next year. He doesn't even have teeth yet, and he's already after our food and not showing interest in baby cereal.